
"NAITA partners with topjobs for employment promotion through vocational and technical skills training"

The National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority (NAITA) and topjobs have embarked on a project to promote employment opportunities for apprentices passed out of NAITAs vocational training programs.


"Enable the Disabled" of the Management Club and GENESIIS Software Pvt Ltd the developer and operator of the popular online recruitment system WWW.TOPJOPBS.LK recently signed an agreement to promote job placement for disabled people in Sri Lanka.

topjobs is used by more than 200 leading employers for job advertising and recruitment, and this project will see the creation of a special CSR section within topjobs for employers to view information on disabled jobseeker. ?Employment opportunities for disabled jobseekers will be promoted by linking them directly to employers through topjobs. There are almost 1.7 million disabled persons in Sri Lanka, and it is terrific to help them using Information Technology and the internet? said Mr. Senaka Weerasooria, Managing Director, GENESIIS.

established Enable the Disabled (ETD), coming under the banner of The Management Club is an established company with a charter to raise awareness of the disabled and make Sri Lanka disabled friendly. ETD will work with organisations representing disabled persons and obtain details of disabled jobseekers for listing and awareness through the topjobs recruitment platform.


Present in over 1100 universities in over 105 countries and territories, AIESEC, the world's largest student organization, is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential so as to have a positive impact in society. Towards this aim, we run more than 350 conferences, provide 4,450 work abroad opportunities, and offer over 7,500 leadership positions to our members each year. Together with a focus on building personal networks and exploring the direction and ambition of their future, AIESEC has an innovative approach to engaging and developing young people.

AIESEC in Sri Lanka

The local chapter was founded in 1995 and during the 13 year period it has become one of the strongest organizations within the international network. We are present in 4 universities in Sri Lanka - Universities of Moratuwa, Kelaniya, Sri Jayawardenapura and Colombo. The administration is carried out by a fulltime staff located in the central office in Kirullapone. As a member of the global body, we have been established for over 10 years and served several companies, NGOs and other public sector institutions such as schools & education centers.

Services offered to employers:

AIESEC offers internationally qualified graduates from abroad to work at the companies, schools, public sector as well as NGOs on specific roles for a specific period of time. This will bring in unique skill and talent unavailable in Sri Lanka to the company with different perspectives derived from diversity of culture at your workplace. They have been through several experiences such as serving stake holders of AIESEC and personal development through AIESEC conferences.

Services offered to Graduates:

We offer exciting work abroad opportunities to increase the capacity and to become a true ambassador of the nation. The participants of the global internship program will gain the opportunity to get exposed to a much broader world that they can step in to through other employers and organizations. In addition they will receive opportunities to develop themselves through the conferences, seminars and other activities that AIESEC organizes to develop its member base.


To post vacancies: [email protected] or call [ Mon-Fri | 8.30 am - 5.00 pm ]
Nirthika   076 910 8926
Silmiya   076 910 8691
Madushani   076 910 8766
Danushka   076 893 8443
Saranya   076 250 2859

(International: Prefix the number with '+94' e.g. +94 76 910 8691)

Tel | (+94) 11 776 5645, (+94) 11 776 5600 [ Mon-Fri | 8.30 am - 5.00 pm ]
Email | [email protected]

Tel | (+94) 11 776 5645, (+94) 77 391 8922
Email | [email protected]

Email | [email protected]

Email | [email protected]